
Research projects, activities and opportunities

For us, research is a fundamental element for social and economic development, contributing to progress, wellbeing and social cohesion.
This is why the University of Verona supports quality interdisciplinary research, international collaborations and the sharing of results to benefit our society, culture and economy.

Research news

La ricerca coordinata da Roberto Bassi, docente dell’università di Verona, sarà finanziata con 2,5 milioni di euro, grazie a un ERC Advanced Grant

I risultati dello studio coordinato dall’università di Verona sono stati pubblicati sulla rivista Nature Immunology


Presentati i primi risultati del progetto di ricerca “In Veronensium mensa. Food and wine in ancient Verona”

Ilaria De Seta ha vinto il bando del dipartimento di Culture e civiltà per lo studio dei diari

Find out more about our research on:

La ricerca continua

Video racconti della ricerca Scopri di più

Ricerca e COVID-19

L'impegno in Ateneo non si ferma Scopri di più

Department research

Among the University of Verona’s strengths are its ability to keep up with cutting-edge research - both pure and applied - and the variety of disciplines involved such research.

The university’s academic departments are essential research structures. There are four macro subject areas which house three departments in Humanities, three departments in Law and Economics, four departments in Life and Health Sciences, and three departments in Sciences and Engineering with the last department belonging to the last two areas.


Pubblicazioni recenti

Nello slider sono presentate le ultime 5 pubblicazioni inserite nel catalogo IRIS  .


IRIS - Catalogo delle pubblicazioni

Il catalogo IRIS, gestito dal consorzio CINECA, raccoglie tutte le pubblicazioni scientifiche dell'Università di Verona

Research professional

“Research Professional” di EX-LIBRIS è uno strumento software per la ricerca di opportunità di finanziamento nazionali e internazionali.

Grandi attrezzature di ricerca

Il Centro Piattaforme Tecnologiche gestisce le infrastrutture tecnologicamente all’avanguardia, cui possono accedere sia i diversi gruppi di ricerca dell'ateneo sia le imprese del territorio e gli atenei limitrofi.

Cerca competenze

Expertise e competenze presenti in ateneo

Un vero e proprio motore di ricerca delle competenze di docenti e ricercatori dell’Ateneo. 
Attraverso questo strumento ideato dall’Università di Verona sarà possibile individuare i migliori partner per lo sviluppo di progetti di ricerca commissionata.

Ricerca competenze

Partnerships with universities and research centres

A continually expanding collaboration network

The University of Verona has obtained important awards for its research in all subject areas. Over the years we have achieved significant results on the national and international scene and have formed networks and agreements with many other institutions and the local community. If you want to collaborate with us, get in touch.

Open to worldwide talent

International researchers

Are you a researcher interested in doing research at our university? There are Marie Skłodowoska-Curie individual fellowships, the Rita Levi Montalcini programme and many other programmes that support mobilities for researchers.

Partnerships with companies

Dialogues with the business world

The University of Verona encourages and supports collaboration with companies through projects that involve the use of innovative technologies, highly qualified research staff and specialised structures such as laboratories, spin-offs and research centres.

Marie Curie Individual Fellowship

Choose the University of Verona as host institution More

Work with us

Competitive application announcements

See the page of competitive application announcements for lecturer and research staff positions


Information on our PhD programmes and competitive application announcements

Scholarships and grants

Information on scholarships and grants for study or research.

Research funding

The University of Verona invests in research

University grants

The University of Verona supports pure and applied research with local companies and authorities through two specific funding programmes: University grants for pure research, and Joint Projects - University and Companies.

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How to fund your research

Funding for research, and relations with the local community

All the funding opportunities for national and international research activities.

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Training and research programme

INVITE is a doctoral programme of the University of Verona with a strong inter-sectoral, inter-disciplinary and international research and training dimension.

The INVITE doctoral programme aims to encourage each student’s intellectual curiosity and support the acquisition of critical thinking skills by training them in the use of innovative theoretical tools and practical methods.

The Project is cofunded by  the University of Verona, Regione del Veneto and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 754345.

More info:

N.B. The content of this video reflects only the author's view and the Research Executive Agency (REA) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.