Use of human intestinal organoids for theratyping in cystic fibrosis

  from July 3, 2023 to July 28, 2023

Task 1: To measure CFTR function in organoids of individual patients undergoing treatments with 1) Ivacaftor (Kalydeco), 2) Orkambi by FIS assay. Task 2: To study CFTR expression and localization and CFTR channel in organoids. CFTR expression and subcellular localization will be studied by confocal microscopy analysis. Task 3: Evaluate all clinically relevant data recorded in the clinical database in relation to the outcome of FIS assay. Understanding the value of translational research for future clinical applications by performing cell culture activity and analysis of gene and protein expression by PCR, western blotting and immunofluorescence. According to the basic knowledge and the capability demonstrated the student he/she will be allowed to personally perform some of these tasks under the supervison of experienced personnel so he can better understand how to work in a laboratory.

Dipartimento di Medicina, Sezione di Patologia Generale
Number of days
Understanding the value of translational research for future clinical applications by performing cell culture activity and analysis of gene and protein expression by PCR, western blotting and immunofluorescence. According to the basic knowledge and the capability demonstrated the student he/she will be allowed to personally perform some of these tasks under the supervison of experienced personnel so he can better understand how to work in a laboratory.
Aree scientifiche coinvolte
AREA MIN. 06 - Scienze mediche
Prevalent Category
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola: Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola

Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs

Questa iniziativa contribuisce al perseguimento degli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile dell'Agenda 2030 dell'ONU.
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Istruzione di qualità (GOAL 4)