IT integration and data analytics for operations and logistics management in a global firm

Maria Luisa Busonera - Stefano Stefani - Manni Group

Dec 14, 2021 - Time: 17:30

In the course of "Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain" coordinated by prof. Barbara Gaudenzi in the Master program in Data Science,

the invited speakers Maria Luisa Busonera, IT project manager, and Stefano Stefani, Chief Technical Officer, Manni Group, will offer a lesson on the topic 

“IT integration and data analytics for operations and logistics management in a global firm”

Tuesday 14 december, 17.30-19.00, Ca’ Vignal 2, Departimento di Informatica, Aula Magna

Data pubblicazione
Nov 27, 2021

Contact person
Barbara Gaudenzi