Support, transport and assistance

Continuous support
The Service offers a range of support activities to help students make their university experience as effective as possible, by providing them with assistance before lectures, as well as assisting them in preparing their curriculum vitae and choosing the topic of their dissertation. You can also get in touch with the Service to know more about the university activities (date, time and place of lectures and exams, and required textbooks) and professors (their curriculum vitae and office hours).

Students unable to move around the University without assistance have the possibility to ask for support provided by individual tutors. Please get in touch with the Inclusion and Accessibility Service.

Personalised transport
Thanks to agreements between the University and a number of transport providers, the University is able to provide all students with physical disabilities with a dedicated adapted transport service.

The service is made available in the following circumstances:
  • from home to the University and back, provided the student lives in the Comune (Municipality) of Verona;
  • along public transport routes;
  • from/to university canteens;
  • from/to student residences.

In the following cases your request will be considered as priority:
  • exams;
  • lectures-practicals-seminars;
  • job interviews;
  • paperwork at the University.

The service providers shall consider extra-urban routes, based on their own criteria. The service must be requested by email at least 8 days before the date on which you intend to use it, and must be renewed week after week. Please contact the Service if you need to cancel your trip.
Service managed by:
