Assistive technologies

Assistive technologies
Students can request the assistive technologies they need when they intend to take an admission test, an exam, or for study reasons (pursuant to laws 104/1992, 17/1999, 170/2010 and 134/2015) by email at:
The activity shall take place in the study hall or class where the most suitable assistive technologies are in place.
A range of technical and computer-based equipments for blind people, or people with low vision, are available.
  • infovox 4 – Fine Reader Professional V14;
  • Optic Slim 1180 A3 scanner;
  • Braille Edge Display Brailler 40 Car;
  • Visiodesk;
  • Logitech mouse;
  • Maestro 3.0 TifloSystem Canoscan Lide 220.

For students with severe physical disabilities:
  • powered hoist and sling;
  • moving platform in aluminium;
  • adjustable armchair;
  • table;
  • first-aid kit.

Study hall
At Polo Zanotto (Humanities campus) a study hall is made available for those who benefit from the Service. Such fully accessible room is complete with the above-mentioned equipments and managed by National Health Service volunteers duly trained for this kind of activities.
In the study hall students can study and use the specific services made available to them for their needs.
Moreover, the study hall is a documentation centre on disability, where it is possible to consult documents and materials in the field of disability studies.

Exam support and adjustments
When taking a written examination, students can request the necessary assistive technologies, depending on their needs, as well as extra time for completing their exams (in accordance with laws no. 104/1992, 17/1999, 170/2010 and 134/2015).
In this circumstance, students have the right to request assistance in reaching the class in which the examination will take place, while the extra time will be as follows: 50% extra time for people with disabilities; 30% extra time for people with Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)/learning disabilities, pursuant to Law no. 170/2010 and 2014 MIUR Guidelines.

LIS – Italian sign language
The service is intended for students with hearing impairment, in order to enable them to take part in the educational activities effectively. The service can be requested in order to:
  • attend lectures;
  • attend office hours and meetings with professors;
  • request information to the relevant Teaching and Student Service unit;
  • take exams.
The LIS service should be requested at the beginning of the academic year, at least 15 days before any exam or office hours with professors.

Peer mentoring
The student mentoring service is aimed at enabling students with disabilities and/or certified disorders to take part in lectures and study activities. The service, which is carried out by "150 hours" students (i.e. students undertaking a 150-hour traineeship programme at the University), senior students or volunteers of the National Civil Service, provides student-to-student support, and must be requested at least 15 days before the date on which you intend to benefit from the service. Through a study plan that is tailored to the student’s needs, adopting special and compensatory measures, this service aims at removing or reducing the obstacles that students with disabilities and/or certified disorders may encounter during their study experience.
The University also offers further support through adapted courses and assistance in drawing up concept maps, based on each individual’s needs and skills. The peer mentoring services will be provided on the basis of the specific needs of the students with disabilities who have applied for them.
The peer mentor will propose a Work Plan which will include the lectures to be attended, the subjects to be studied and the student’s weekly agenda. When defining the plan, the academic career of the applicant will be taken into account. The Inclusion and Accessibility Service will then verify the learning outcomes achieved by students who have been assigned a peer mentor.
Service managed by: