Booking a place at the library

University users only can access and stay at the Frinzi, Meneghetti and Santa Marta libraries in order to study, consult books or make photocopies, but first they need to book a place via the Affluences app.

Affluences for smartphones - which allows you to book a place at the library while complying with social distancing rules - can be downloaded for free from App Store or Google Play, and it can be accessed online from any browsers.

To book a place via the app, you will need to enter your institutional email address (; and select one of the available places in one or more time slots.
Members of staff of the University Hospital of Verona (Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata di Verona) may book a place at Meneghetti Library by writing to:

At the time of entering the library, you will need to confirm that you have taken your booked seat by scanning a QR code. If you do not confirm your seat (10 to 30 minutes after your booked time of arrival), your booking will be automatically cancelled. Please note that you must always confirm your seat at the beginning of each time slot, even if you booked multiple consecutive slots.
Should you need to leave your seat before the end of the time slot, please cancel your booking, so that it can be made available to others.
Please note that your booking is personal to you, then you are advised not to change or give up your seat. In the event that, following random ID checks, it is found that a student has given their booking to someone else, the student who made the booking will be reported to the University’s disciplinary board. Such conduct not only constitutes a disciplinary offence that can be punished by the University, but may also constitute a criminal offence pursuant to Article 615quater (unauthorised possession and dissemination of access codes via computer or telematic systems) and 494 (fraud of impersonation) of the Italian Criminal Code.
Users who do not have a smartphone and the Affluences app are advised that they should contact the Library’s staff.
Until further notice and for all the other libraries, the current guidelines on University access for the Covid-19 emergency for University users shall remain in place.

For further information, ask a librarian.
Service managed by:
  • Head Office University Library System
  • E. Meneghetti central library - Medicine, Science and Technology
  • Arturo Frinzi central library
  • Library Electronic Services
  • Library of Economics at Santa Marta
  • ‘G. Zanotto’ Library, Department of Law
