Graduation Sessions - Science and Engineering

Graduation session deadlines are published in the Documents section at the bottom of this page.

Summary of graduation application periods for the entire A.Y. 2023/2024

Do not pay the first installment related to A.Y. 2024/2025 (issued between September and October 2024) if you plan to graduate by the winter session (March 2025), unless you graduate earlier than the legal duration of your degree programme. Contact the student secretariat of your degree program if you have any doubts. However, apply for a reduction in fees (DUB) for the A.Y. 2024/2025 in the expectation that there may be difficulties with your graduation (because if you do not graduate, you will have to pay the maximum fees for the entire A.Y. 2024/2025).

Below are the periods for applying for graduation online:

Summer session
(July 2024)
Autumn session
(October 2024)
Autumn session
(December 2024)
Winter session
(marzo 2025)
LAST SESSION 2023/2024
from Monday 15/04/2024
to Thursday 30/05/2024
from Monday 15/07/2024
to Thursday 29/08/2024
from Monday 23/09/2024
to Thursday 24/10/2024
from Monday 02/12/2024
to Thursday 30/01/2025

Graduation commissions and the graduating students' proclamation order are communicated with a special notice through MyUnivr and are published in the appropriate categories in the Documents section.

Graduation application and deadlines

The graduation application is submitted through a special online procedure on ESSE3, taking care to respect the deadlines that are periodically set by the relevant teaching structure.
The details on the procedure are explained in the following video-tutorials:

The detailed deadlines are in te Document section, while the periods of graduation sessions can be consulted in the Academic Calendar.

If changes are needed after the application is submitted, you must not cancel the graduation application, but write to

No late applications will be accepted.

Some directions:

  • Exams must be taken and recorded strictly 7 days before the proclamation date, excluding the final exam.
  • The internship must be on the online procedure in "VIS" status at least 10 days before the proclamation date.
  • Those returning from a period spent abroad must immediately submit the request for credit recognition to the Student Secretariat, indicating in the "Notes" field whether they participated in the Erasmus+ project or other mobility projects.
  • The item "Final Exam" will be verbalized on the day of graduation or in the days immediately following.
  • If you cannot find the name of the co-supervisor and/or examiner, after confirming the graduation application send an email to putting in carbon copy the supervisor and requesting the manual addition of the name.
  • The examiner should be entered at the indication of one's supervisor while filling out the application.
  • The €16 virtual stamp duty is created automatically once you have confirmed the graduation application correctly.
  • The thesis must not bear the logo of the University of Verona.
  • The title of the thesis is editable until the supervisor approves the complete thesis file, uploaded to ESSE3.

Delivery of University badge or booklet

The graduating student can deposit the paper university booklet or the student badge in the appropriate box located at the Science and Engineering Reception (Ca' Vignal 2) or send it by mail to the following address: Università degli Studi di Verona - U.O. Segreteria Corsi di Studio Scienze e Ingegneria - Strada le Grazie, 15 - 37134 Verona

Degree certificate and degree parchment (diploma)

The degree certificate can be applied for by following the dedicated directions.
The degree parchment is printed by the Diploma Office. To check if your graduation parchment is available and the date from which you can collect it, click here.

Service managed by:
Front-Office Studenti: +39 045 8027989 | Orario: 10:00 - 13:00


Graduation committees | Science and Engineering
Graduating students' order of entry | Science and Engineering
List of examiners | Science and Engineering
Deadlines | Science and Engineering