Job Placement

Job Placement mediates between job requests and job offers to help match them together and increase the congruence between what university students learn and the skills that employers are looking for.

In order to be a job intermediary, the University must, in accordance with Article 48 of Law 183/2010:
- Publish the CVs of its job-seekers online - students and recent graduates (up to 12 months after graduating); and
- Send the CVs to the Borsa Continua Nazionale del Lavoro through the Cliclavoro portal.

Companies and organisations can freely and anonymously access a part of these CVs in order to get an idea of profiles that may be suitable for their requirements. They can view and save full CVs if they register, which requires that they use such data solely for employment purposes and they must comply with the provisions of the Code for the Protection of Personal Data pursuant to Legislative Decree 20/06/2003 No. 196.


Front office in PRESENZA il martedì dalle 10.00 alle 12.00 presso lo Sportello 9 Chiostro S. Francesco, da prenotare attraverso il seguente link 

E' inoltre possibile contattare il personale dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9.00 alle 13.00 telefonicamente o via e-mail
