Digital humanities as a practical-theoretical part of the humanities

Digital humanities as a practical-theoretical part of the humanities

prof. Øyvind Eide - Universität zu Köln

Nov 19, 2021 - Time: 10:00 Aula T.6 Palazzo di Lingue

Digital humanities have been a field of practice and a field of theoretical discussions since the mid 20th century. As a an area of practical applications it is oriented towards creating good solutions for researchers, students, and beyond. As an area of theoretical inquiry it discusses, through the introduction and development of digital computers, our role as thinking human beings in a digital scholarly context. This presentation will describe these two traditions and show how there is a certain potential in combining them, in research as well as in teaching.

Data pubblicazione
Nov 8, 2021

Contact person
Anna Cappellotto
Foreign Languages and Literatures

