Mini-course on Suffix Arrays and related data structures (changed room on Tuesday: aula H)

Simon J. Puglisi - Univ. of Helsinki, Finland

26-nov-2018 - Ora: 10:30

Title: Mini-course on Suffix Arrays and related data structures
Lecturer: Simon J. Puglisi, University of Helsinki, Finland

Monday 26/11/2018 10:30-13:30 (aula C)  12:30 - 15:30 in aula H  (causa manutenzione dell'aula C)
Tuesday 27/11/2018 10:30-12:30 (aula M)  aula H

Suffix Arrays are the basic data structure underlying most current applications on massive sequence data, such as DNA sequences. Closely related data structures are the LCP array and the wavelet tree. In this mini-course we will show how to construct suffix arrays and LCP arrays efficiently and how to use them for Lempel-Ziv compression. We will also briefly introduce wavelet trees, a data structure which is becoming increasingly important in textual data storage, compression, and processing.

All students and interested researchers are welcome.

Simon J. Puglisi is a leading expert on efficient algorithms, data structures and compression of strings and sequences. He has co-authored over 100 publications in international journals and conferences on topics related to strings, graphs, data compression, and bioinformatics. He is regularly on the program committee of the main conferences in these areas and serves as associate editor of the ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics.

There will also be a departmental seminar on Tuesday 27/11/2018 at 16:30 in Sala Verde, see Everyone is welcome to attend.

Data pubblicazione

Zsuzsanna Liptak
Scienze e Ingegneria