Spatial heterogeneity in revealed preferences for hunting: a Sicilian case of study

Spatial heterogeneity in revealed preferences for hunting: a Sicilian case of study

Maria De Salvo - University of Catania

23-gen-2019 - Ora: 12:00 Polo Santa Marta, Via Cantarane 24, Sala Vaona

The importance of including spatial patterns has been overlooked in the estimation of models devoted to assessing welfare measures for hunting. Understanding how hunters’ preferences change in the space is focal to provide key information for management and policy-making in order to assure an efficient use of natural resources. In this paper, recreational choice data for hunting sites in Sicily (Italy) are combined with Geographical Information System (GIS) data on hunting sites characteristics to incorporate spatial patterns in the assessment of economic benefits arising from hunting activities. A comparison between two Mixed Logit Random Utility models is made to test if preferences are homogeneous among hunters living in the same municipality. Recreation losses associated with the hunting sites closure have been estimated and mapped. Findings are generally consistent with previous related empirical literature, and suggest issues that require additional investigation.
Data pubblicazione

Marcella Veronesi
Scienze Economiche