Bando Erasmus+ Traineeship a.a. 2024/2025 - Erasmus+ Traineeship A.Y. 2024/2025 Call for applications
Studenti e Laureati
Mobilità studentesca internazionale
Registrazione Infoday in italiano
Per prendere un appuntamento in presenza, consultare questo link.
To make an appointment in person, please see this link.
Scadenza presentazione domanda:
30-giu-2025 23:59
Presentazione domanda onlineBandi
- Bando
- Call for applications
- Learning Agreement for Traineeships
- Learning Agreement for Traineeships - Facsimile
- Linee guida per la compilazione del Learning Agreement for Traineeships
- Learning Agremeent for Traineeships guidelines
- Elenco azienze accreditate/List of affiliated bodies
- Nota tecnica Dottorandi_Technical issues PhD students
- Slide info day
- Slide info day
- Elenco assegnatari 06/09/2024