Summer School “Muscle and bone: exercise, diet and treatment. A journey from DNA to phenotype and physical performance”.

Summer School “Muscle and bone: exercise, diet and treatment. A journey from DNA to phenotype and physical performance”.

  dal 24 settembre 2019 al 26 settembre 2019
Da martedì 24 a giovedì 26 settembre è in programma la Summer School promossa dalla Scuola di dottorato in Scienze della vita e della salute, dal titolo “Muscle and bone: exercise, diet and treatment. A journey from DNA to phenotype and physical performance”, che si terrà nell’aula E degli Istituti Biologici della Scuola di Medicina e chirurgia.
Il programma formativo e ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili sul pieghevole in allegato.
Musculoskeletal diseases are one of the most important clinical areas among the Western populaƟon in terms of prevalence, incidence and morbidity. An in‐depth knowledge of the physiological mechanisms underlying skeletal and muscle homeostasis and the main alteraƟons leading to the disease together with the analysis of all clinical and laboratory aspects necessary for the management of these disorders as well as the available therapeuƟc strategies are essenƟal elements to adequately approach and manage such diseases. The course aims at providing the widest possible theoreƟcal and pracƟcal noƟons on the different aspects of the bone and muscle during the life. In addiƟon, the course aims to evaluate the role of sports and physical acƟvity in muscculoskeletal omeostasis To this end, the course ranges from anatomy, biology and geneƟcs lectures to more strictly clinical and therapy/management topics, including translaƟonal research subjects with the aim of providing trainees with updated tools for the management and treatment of paƟents affected by musculoskeletal diseases. In the light of the complementarity and overarching nature of the topics it deals with, the course is intended for both staff in training, who will have a chance to supplement their knowledge, and specialists wishing to implement, sharpen and update their diagnosƟc and therapeuƟc knowledge. The Faculty of the course, made up of lecturers of naƟonal and internaƟonal renown.