1st International Congress on Pediatric Airways in Verona:evaluation, surgery, rehabilitation

1st International Congress on Pediatric Airways in Verona:evaluation, surgery, rehabilitation

  October 27, 2018
Pathologies involving the laryngotracheal axis in pediatric age represent an object of growing interest, both due to the constant increase of congenital and acquired pathologies affecting the upper airways in neonatal age, and the need to create, in the reference centers, specific professional figures able to deal with them.
Upper airway diseases can cause serious management problems in a neonatal and/or pediatric patient, especially in the absence of adequate preparation and specific training, and require maximum interaction between several qualified specialists, in particular the ENT and the anesthesiologist-resuscitator.
The morpho-histological structures of the airways of the pediatric patient present specific anatomical-functional peculiarities, particularly evident in the newborn, above all premature; therefore the endoscopic diagnostic and instrumental approaches are of great commitment and risk and the indications have to be appropriately selected. In the management of these patients the early diagnostic classification is often of fundamental importance, identifying those initial symptoms of those laryngeal pathologies that, if not recognized and treated in an appropriate manner, can assume an irreversible evolutionary character, even in a short time. The medical and/or surgical therapeutic choice, endoscopic or "open", must be the consequence of a sectorial preparation that is dedicated and developed in centers of reference for these pathologies.
With this in mind, the first international congress on pathologies in the pediatric and neonatal age was organized in Verona on October 27, 2018