
Bando riservato a studenti di provenienza non europea per la preammissione a corsi di Laurea Magistrale internazionali dell’ateneo e per l’assegnazione di n. 25 contributi di studio - a.a. 2021/2022. Call for applications for pre-admissions and for the awarding of 25 student support and benefits for non-EU citizens holding a foreign degree and living outside the European Union - a.y. 2021/2022.

Studenti e Laureati International degree-seeking students

Scadenza presentazione domanda:

30-apr-2021       12:00

Presentazione domanda online


Bando LM internazionali_IT
Call for applications Intl Masters_EN
Comparative European and Non-European Languages and Literatures - Final Ranking
Computer Engineering for Robotics and Smart Industry- Final Ranking
Data Science - Final Ranking
Economics and Data Analysis - Final Ranking
International Economics and Business - Final Ranking
Linguistics - Final Ranking
Mathematics - Final Ranking
Medical Bioinformatics - Final Ranking
Molecular and Medical Biotechnology - Final Ranking
